Education and Training For Funeral Professionals
We offer two main courses for funeral professionals, including the Certificate in Funeral Service, and the Diploma in Funeral Service. In addition, we also offer many CPD training courses. Courses are delivered by qualified BIFD accredited Tutors across the nation. All courses require students to possess a good standard of English, in addition to an understanding of science and maths. Every student that has enrolled with a Tutor joins the BIFD as a Student Member for 2 years. This membership includes all BIFD benefits plus a student discount card where offered. For further information, please contact us.
B.I.F.D. Courses Offered
Take a look below at our range of courses. whether your starting out in your journey as a funeral director or are looking to make your final steps, we have the course for you.
Introduction to Funeral Service
This course comprising of six 1-hour sessions is aimed at those considering a career in the funeral profession and those who have a genuine interest in the work of the Funeral Director.
No entry requirements
How Long Does This Course Take?
Six 1 Hour Sessions
You will journey through the interesting professional life of a funeral director and discover the variety of their work, the difficulties they face and the challenges that make the role so rewarding.
This course is insightful and exciting, never before has the whole funeral journey been explained with such honesty, care and consideration to those who have questions and only now have the answers. This will enable you to better understand what happens behind the often-closed doors of the Funeral business.
A Certificate of Participation is awarded by the Institute to all attendees.
Certificate in Funeral Service Course (Cert.F.S.)
The course’s overarching goal is to equip you with the core skills you’ll need to function effectively in a funeral home environment and to become a productive member of a funeral team who can demonstrate initiative and understanding in the workplace.
Offered to those working (employed or voluntary) within the profession for at least 20 hours per week and who are looking to gain an understanding of and formal training in the basic aspects of the Funeral Service.
Classes are run locally by qualified tutors or via zoom or other electronic means. The course follows an eleven-chapter syllabus. Students also need to complete reports on specified subjects and two written essays, one of which is ‘Why I want to become a Funeral Director’.
Upon completion, students sit a 2-hour written examination followed a multiple-choice question, aiming for a minimum of 60% to pass.
This qualification is externally accredited by Greenwich University worth 30 credits at Level 3.
Diploma in Funeral Service Course (Dip F.S.)
Having achieved the B.I.F.D. Certificate in Funeral Service, the Dip. F.S. is the next step. The British Institute of Funeral Directors (BIFD) offers a university-accredited curriculum designed to attract, educate, and inform the next generation of funeral directors.
To be eligible to take this course, you must be employed within the profession and able to demonstrate you have directed 25 funerals by the conclusion of the course.
This course consists of twenty-five chapters with varying units and assessments. Ten reports on specified subjects and a 15-minute presentation given by the candidate on any subject covered in the course syllabus.
There is a final examination which consists of a written paper (2.5 hours), an oral examination on arranging a funeral with an examiner (1.5 hours), a 30-minute multiple choice paper and an observation assessment on conducting a funeral.
To achieve this Diploma, students must reach a minimum of 60% in all assessments, reports, the presentation, and each element of the final examination.
This qualification is externally accredited by Greenwich University worth 40 credits at Level 4.
Members Courses
Mapping Across
For those that have already undertaken formal training elsewhere or have acquired another qualification from within the funeral profession, we offer a mapping system to their own qualifications.
We take into consideration all current Accredited Prior Learning that can contribute to the BIFD suite of qualifications. A bespoke training programme will be offered to every student, depending on the APL they hold.
BIFD Tutors
The BIFD takes great pride in the high standards of education and training that it offers. As a result, the Institute is responsible for the registration, training and examination of Tutors who wish to prepare and mentor students. Regular courses are organised for Tutors to ensure they keep up to date with any industry developments and current practice.
How to Become a Tutor
To become a Registered Tutor of the BIFD, applicants must complete an Institute course of study and successfully pass an examination set by our panel of examiners. Examiners consist of both experienced tutors and qualified members of the teaching profession.
Registered Tutors are also required to attend a minimum of one teaching seminar every two years.
Finding a Tutor
A list of Registered Tutors is published annually. This helps students seeking tuition to find a Tutor in their local area. Each BIFD Tutor is permitted to set their own schedule and learning fees.
You can discover who is on the present list of Registered Tutors here.
Students seeking tuition for the Certificate in Funeral Service or the Diploma in Funeral Service should get in touch via the National Office for detailed information on available courses. Each Tutor sets their own schedule and fees.
Contact The British Institute of Funeral Directors
Contact the British Institute of Funeral Directors for further information about our education and training.